nuttinbutanechecho. Love, earth. We are done hiring. Better luck next time…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….i……………………………………………………….
-We are not running a charity.
Dolphins aren’t.
Thanks for the invite. no thanks.
- We go where the fun is. It’s a big ball and we’ve all had a bad day. Let’s all cry for a sec. all 10 of us. Everyone else can find a cig.
- Psychadellic experiments are in the grass, and none of your business. It can be intense and really scary. Keep the Acid pure g-man. Some serious malfuctions can happen. There isn’t a floor. Look up.
- Kill what tries to harm you and yours as is your instinctual right, or respectully for food. The animal or man will suffer, as you would if killed that way. Fish feel pain. They’re just tripping. Ants and roaches feel pain too. They are not tripping and quite intelligent. Everything is smarter than you. The most amusing thing that keeps you in the dark is that you were supposed to be extinct, and everyone else knows it, give or take an inch. No other mamnmal has to clothe itself either, or rely on fire for heat. Choose your humility. There is nothing wrong, there is no external moral code, and no man is judged by anything higher up that a blade of grass. Instead of praying, share good stories. You don’t need the t anymore. It really meant nothing to anyone but you. It’s just a couple of boards and I’m kinda lost on what you are trying to convey. KEEP THE FAITH YOU CHOOSE. No one needs anything from you, though, and every culture has chosen their own personal symbols of respect. Plants aren’t portable so you thought up seeds. Be respectful when you pick them. They are alive. Nothing on this planet is willing to sacrifice its life, but some must in order to feed others. It’s just simply a matter of chance and desire. Trail guide for hikers: You have eggs for pocket-poultry, ways of purifying water, packages of nuts and M&ms and bottles of kind juices and candies and tinctures and backpacks and cars and ski slopes and everything around you to love, explore, and find what makes you happy. Don’t hurt anyone without cause, and let people go where they want and teach them the things you think are so holy they must be hidden. Nothing physical is holy. There is no such thing as holy. Holy is me naked in a flannel. Don’t go to the Vatican. They choose to dress themselves in slippers and various pointy hats. Do not take them seriously. Let them march around in peace. There isn’t much interesting there. In fact, it is the least accurate place on earth. Oreo double stuff is the only absolute. Everyone try one. chill, relax, and love. There aren’t any commandments. Relax. You can jump,
touch. share. create. relax .https://c
A humble member of the Family.
That’s whay I didn’t kiss you.
Join a couple happy subscribers
We see you peeking too.
No one is.
Our acute care unit is in the pit of the purple fruit. Juice is a marlboro in a novel. Soothes all fears.